Grupo BC

Sector Sector:

Financial & Business Services

Headquarters Headquarters:


Investment Investment period:


Activity Activity:

Business Process Outsourcing

Transaction Transaction Type:


Turnover Turnover:

€91 million

Grupo BC

Grupo BC is the leader in the outsourcing of banking processes (BPO) in both Southern Europe and Latin America

Grupo BC provides services in the management of assets, technological developments and BPO for Financial Institutions, Insurance Companies, Real Estate, Investment Funds and EMS, providing the largest coverage in the sector in Spain and with more than 100 offices worldwide.

One of its differentiating factors is the ability to develop ad hoc computer applications to meet the needs and requirements of its customers.

Grupo BC


offices around the world

Main highlights

Grupo BC has been able to adapt to the fundamental changes witnessed in its industry in recent years, benefiting from the growing trend towards non-strategic outsourcing by financial institutions.

The Group has focused on both organic and inorganic growth strategies, which has facilitated its transformation from a post-signature service provider to a well-established BPO company capable of delivering a broad range of services to its customers.

Grupo BC


Growth in the investment period of Talde

Significant figures

1 Million operations

diversified in various business lines

€91 million

turnover having recorded a growth of more than 37%

+2,000 professionals

covering the market of 8 countries

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