• Experience. Growth. Proximity.Experience.With more than 45 years of investing in over 150 companies at national and international levels, our credentials have been proven throughout the course of our working history.
  • Experience. Growth. Proximity.Growth.We help our portfolio companies to grow in a global environment in which internationalization, sector consolidation and efficiency are key to value creation.
  • Experience. Growth. Proximity.Proximity.

    We work closely with management teams in the design and implementation of strategy through the contribution of expertise and financial resources.

  • 40 años creando valor+0years creating value
  • +100 millones de recursos gestionados+0M€ of AUM
  • +160 transacciones completadas+0completed transactions
  • 16 profesionales+0professionals and collaborators


We invest in Spanish SMEs, supporting their growth processes, mainly through internationalization and build up strategies.

Three investment vehicles under management: Talde Capital Growth FCR €102m, Talde Capital Growth II FCR €117m and Talde Promotion and Development SCR €63m.

Investment ticket between €6-20m in FCR and FCR II, €1-6m in SCR.

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We provide tailor made senior financing to Spanish SMEs, with very flexible structures and long amortization periods.

€75m under management through Talde Alternative Debt, FILPE.

Investment ticket between €3 - 10m.

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People are the key

We are an experienced and highly committed team

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Throughout our long professional experience there have been many companies that have relied on us, and to whom we have returned their trust with work, effort and results.
