
Sector Sector:

Financial & Business Services

Headquarters Headquarters:


Investment Investment period:


Activity Activity:

Online marketing

Transaction Transaction Type:


Turnover Turnover:

€11 million


Pioneering company and leader in the Direct Marketing Sector via Email in Spain, Portugal and Mexico

Canalmail aims to exploit the marketing of permissions by e-mail, which provides advertisers and marketers direct marketing services.

Its services provide multiple advantages to advertisers, such as high segmentation capacity, specialized software, agility and cost / benefit measurement by market.


+50 Million

unique users registered

Main highlights

Canalmail has more than 14 years of experience and is the pioneering company of the Direct Marketing sector via Email.

Its more than 50 million unique users, along with the more than 7 million transactions daily managed make it the leader of the sector and guarantee penetration in the Internet audience in Spanish and Portuguese.

Its services include complete campaigns management via the email marketing channel, with turnkey solutions.

To do so, it has proprietary technologies and channel-specific know-how to maximize results on a channel as specific and complex as email marketing.



and consolidation of a group with a turnover of more than € 10M

Significant figures

+7 million

transactions daily

+50 million

unique users

20 professionals

among which stand out several pioneers in the Internet sector of Spain

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